Resilience Fund: Donor Advised Funds


Give from Your Donor Advised Funds

What is a Donor Advised Fund?

A donor advised fund (DAF) is a type of giving program administered by a third party (such as Bank of America Charitable, Fidelity Charitable, Schwab Charitable, Vanguard Charitable, etc.).

It allows you to combine the most favorable tax benefits with the flexibility to easily support your favorite charities and is created for the purpose of managing charitable donations on behalf of an organization, family or individual.

DAFs are an excellent way to both simplify your charitable giving and facilitate your strategic philanthropic goals.

DAFs allow you to make gifts of cash, stock and other assets to the Donor Advised Fund.

Donors are not obligated to recommend a gift right away. Rather, you may take time to discern and select grants of specified amounts to the charities of your choice before advising your DAF administrator to make a gift to their charity.

3 Easy Steps to Using Your DAF to Support Holy Family

  1. You must have an account set up with a charitable organization that supports Donor Advised Funds such as Bank of America Charitable, Fidelity Charitable, Schwab Charitable, Vanguard Charitable, etc.

  2. Contact your representative at your DAF and recommend a grant of a specific amount be sent from your fund to the Holy Family Resilience Fund - or to one of our other ministries. Or use the DAF Direct Widget below to recommend grants directly from your DAF at Fidelity, Schwab or BNY Mellon to Holy Family.

  3. Please email Dawn Fleming, Director of Donor Relations and Planned Giving, at to alert us that your gift is on the way.

For more information, please contact:

Dawn Fleming
Director of Donor Relations and Planned Giving